Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Bristol botanic gardens

I took the buss number four to the gardens. It was a nice ride through the town.
My favorite part was the evolution of plants. This is how it feels to walk in forests in New Zealand i suppose. I saw similar fern trees in Australia too though.

The green houses had a pool with opening lotus flowers and unfolding leaves. The seed box is a true a masterpiece! Funny we only used the design for something so trivial as shower heads.

Spot a robin! It was singing happily for a long time.

All the plants were potted in pots in the greenhouses. An enormous shopping lust came over me there.
Ancient tubers of cyclamen. I wanted to hug these. My own is tiny. And it's a second one, because I killed the first one.
I hope I will one day have Aloe plicatilis in my collection. Look at the roots meanwhile.
I noticed only two orchid blossoming at the time. Coelogyne and Stanhopea.

Lotus and I have a special relationship now.
Stanhopea orchid had a nice smell. But man, the way it looks and hangs so awkwardly under the basket. 

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