Since everybody is asking how did my plants enjoy the event, I post some photos of the preparation to move.
Image above-visiting the grandparents in Pärnu. Orchids are spread out on the window sills to get some sun (what is sun?) and air.
Orchids have been packed in 5 boxes of medium size, filled with different anti-shock material. Thanks to my friends!
Small succulents are never difficult to move. They just need something between the pots to prevent them from braking against each other.
Ieva from Narplioju helped me a lot with covering orchid pots with toilet paper. To keep the substrate from falling out. And it also allows to pack the plants horizontally, on top of each other, just remember to fill in the gaps between the plants.
And a bit of irony. Reading about myself in the orchid magazine on the way to the new country of residence.
1 comment:
O! Aš irgi tokį turiu: Crassula ovata Gollum. Vienas mano mėgstamiausiu... nežinojau, kad jį galima taip nukarpyt!! O jis paskui vėl atžels? O tuos nukarpytus galima kažkaip naujai apgyvendint?
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