Thursday, September 22, 2011

Small things

Things that make me ..happy? Is'n it too strong word for a pile of pebbles?
Inspire? I would be a liar.  Because these things are so colorful and I barely use any color at all in my work. Maybe all of it goes to the home? It's rather colorful.
From now on I promise myself to buy a decent  box of color pencils, better water color brushes, some ink and give it a try. I am very exited about that! 


Akvilina said...

Koks fainas tavo butas!!!! o jau tas fonas su tais persikais (ar kuo..) - mmmmm....

Reda said...

Stengiuos kiek galiu pasidaryti jaukesnius namus, nes nuomojame, tad visokie keisti sviestuvai, spalvos ir t.t. :-) Labai aciu, beje.

Emilie said...

It's a lovely collection of small thing. I can see why you are inspire by those.