Sunday, September 25, 2011
A bird watcher's book
Weeee! I got my first bird book in Lithuanian. I had a Swedish one from my years in Sweden. But it was not so useful here, not knowing what the Swedish name sounds like in Lithuanian. Constant checking in internet could drive one crazy. But I must say that illustrations in the Swedish one are far more accurate and beautiful. Also there are more body positions of the bird. Also in a different light.
And more blossoming succulents. The both ceropegias are covered in these odd shaped flowers.
And I also have reppoted a few plants (a mortal sin-reppoting in autumn!) and added two new ones to the composition. I have noticed aloes are one of my favorite.
Oh, and another thing...I don't know if I can enjoy coffee anymore. I have had stomach trouble since may. The condition has it's ups and downs.
But I love coffee! And I usually have only one cup a day. I'm trying to convince myself that one cup couldn't hurt. But I'm terrified of having another acid attack. I imagine melting myself from inside. And then melting down to the floor through the bed, then through the floor-down to neighbors apartemnt and so one, until I reach Australia (or whatever is on the opposite side of the globe). Well, this could be a cheaper way to travel there, but probably much much slower...
What is your relationship with coffee? Does it cause any problems? Do You have any advises to give?
Have You seen the film "Alien:Resurection", where a dead creature melts through the numerous floors of the star craft?
Excuse the dubbing:-D
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Absoliučiai nemėgstu kavos, nei kvapo nei skonio. Kažkaip manau, kūnas inkstinktyviai jaučia, kad iš jos nieko gero nebus. Kaip ir su medumi - visa gyvenimą jo nemėgau, bet praeita žiemą labai sirgau ir daug vartojau medaus ir tik tada supratau, kad esu jam alergiška. Kažkaip pats kūnas jaučia kas jam gerai. Jeigu manai, kad kad vienas puodelis nepakenks, vadinasi jis ir nekenkia, jei visgi abejoji stipriai skiesk pienu ;)
Ant manes mama visada barasi kai rytais geriu kava ant tuscio skrandzio. Ji kaip tik ir sako, kad labai rugstina ir labai blogai nieko nevalgius gerti... Man kol kas nieko blogo nesidaro, kai sulauzau sita taisykle, bet jauciu, kad reikia gerti atsakingai. Nes ir as labai megstu. Butu sunku atsisakyt.
Aha, tuščiam skrandžiui negerai. Ir gal su grietinėle ir cukrum padėtų? nes viena ji aštri.
Kaip gyventi be kavos???
Hi, just stubble onto your blog. As a avid (some say addict) coffee drinker for years, I haven't melt but if I don't have my cup of jo in the morning, I have huge headhache in the afternoon. But even so, I wouldn't give it up and I dutifully drink my cup every morning.
Take care
Thanks for the comment! I'll carefully drink my coffee:-)
I can't comment for some reason on your posts, but I'll say I really like your bedspread. It's such a nice rustik material!
Aš pasidariau kavos dženkis visai, bet ir viso puodo iš karto neišgeriu, visa diena galiu ta pačia šalta kava gurkšnoti. bet! iš tikrųjų ji rugština organizmą iš vidaus. visiškai įsivaizduoju, kad kartu galėtume per pasaulį prasmegti, bet kadangi aš dabar esu už jūrų marių, tai ne i australiją prasmegčiau, o i lietuvą! gal ir nieko būdas keliauti :D
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