Saturday, August 13, 2011

The expedition

I wish this summer never ended.  Even if it has been rainy. 
But have you noticed how lush and green everything is? Usually grass becomes all dry and yellow, trees look tired and heavy. This year they look heavy because of the green foliage.  It like jungle here. Even the feeling on my skin is a bit tropical. It is if you are walking through a lake water. 
I have been crazy about desert plants. But I have slowly started to create a tiny bit of jungle at home. I have been dragging home mostly South  American jungle plants-monstera, bromeliads, zebrina pendula. Also Asian tropical plants-scindapsus, hoyas and others. 


Akvilina said...

Nes daug lietucio siemet ir viskas gimdosi net nespejus nudziuti. Pas mus kaune ka tik nusmarkavo baisine krusa, lietus, griaustinis, zaibas, pila kaip is kibiros ir dar kaip kitaip pavadint ta fantastika... ziauriai super "palijo" :) Ir taip toliau viskas zalia zalia...

Vasare Nar said...

Grazios nuotraukos labai :)

Claire Jessica Mary Tighe said...

Utterly stunning photographs!
Even if it has been a rather dreadful summer <3