Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Disappearing Vilnius

 Oh, I'm so busy busy. A film is being finished and more work awaits. I just have time to take a walk in neighborhoods not too far away from home.
The clothes above are really quality things: a silk shirt, Mulberry leather belt, a vintage jacket-all at a ridiculous price ! Secondhand, of course.

 There were around 30 crow teenagers hanging around in one spot. These four had some funny activity near this tree. They were all trying to peck at that exact spot...
 One of the old shop signs. The shop is long gone...
 Near Kalvarijų street.
 A spaceship landed in a yard ... We all used to climb up in these. 
Another view that won't last for long. "New York" seen from "Shanghai".

And a couple more of retro signboards.


Bantik said...

Labai labai graziai atrodai,
o marskiniai visiskai tobuli:>

Akvilina said...

Vakar vakare, tarp 9 ir 10 maciau toki zmogu lygiai kaip sitoj nuotraukoj tu atrodanti :))) Ir dabar truputi suku galva, gal ten TAVES IR buta?? Bet as buvau po triju margaritu, tai tiksliai ir nepasakysiu... :)

Labai graziai atrodai!!!

O tokiu senu parduotuviu pas mus kaune dar yra originaliu ir veikianciu!!! Senamiesti kojiniu parde, kirpykla... Laisves alejoj centrinis knygynas ir spurgine laiko nepaliesti...

Reda said...

Ačiū ačiū. Akvilina, ko gero, ten ir buvau aš, nes kaip tik tuo metu slankiojau.