Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Succulent update

 Haworthia truncata

 Gasteria minima variegata

 Haworthia nigra
 Adromischus nanus
 Gasteria sp
 Sedum rubrotinctum
 Ceropegia simonae, Ceropegia linearis var debilis and a tiny kaudex plant. I will have to look for the name again..

 Ceropegia simonae
 Lapidaria margaretae
 Adromischus triflorus Craib s.n.
 Gasteria sp. 'Misuzu-No-Fuji"

 Gasteria glomerata
 Adromischus... ajaj, I've lost the name. Must search in the balcony...
 Haworthia... same situation with the name here. Shame shame..
 Lithops. Probably some hybrid.
It's color is nice grey.

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