I hope you aren't tired of this many pictures every day! No drawings, no style :-)
This post contains trips from two different days. Locations -around Adelaide.
Stuff you can see when the tide is low.
The black dots-tiny tiny shells, stacked together.
The rocks are brownish pink. And they erode in nice small rectangular pieces.
Tiny chains of mountains!
And this place here looks totally man made. But it isn't. It's all sun, wind and rain.
These grow in somebodies yard. Almost on a street. Ahhh...
And the next day we head for Granite island. To watch the worlds smallest penguins come ashore after a whole day at the ocean.
The brown quail. Scientific name: Coturnix ypsilophora. They weren't shy at all!
One of the funniest birds. Reminds of a mouse when it scurries in the grass.
Find a bird in this pic!
The sun is setting and we hurry around the island, to meet the penguins.
Some really cool colours...
Little Pied Cormorant. Scientific name: Phalacrocorax melanoleucos. Drying it's wings. There's more of me than Australia in these last posts. I start to get a bit ashamed. But sometimes one needs a humane figure to express the magnitude or miniature size of objects. In this case..I'm not sure... The light?
Getting darker and darker. We hurry up. But I have to stop to take a photo of some succulents, of course.
The Little Penguin (Eudyptula minor).
Finally we got a chance to see some penguins, cautiously returning to their borrows. One was situated exactly under stairs of a wooden path that runs around the island. It was really amazing to see how small the penguins are. But witnessing how high they can jump and what steep walls they can climb was even more jaw dropping!

The sun is setting and we hurry around the island, to meet the penguins.
Some really cool colours...
Little Pied Cormorant. Scientific name: Phalacrocorax melanoleucos. Drying it's wings. There's more of me than Australia in these last posts. I start to get a bit ashamed. But sometimes one needs a humane figure to express the magnitude or miniature size of objects. In this case..I'm not sure... The light?
Getting darker and darker. We hurry up. But I have to stop to take a photo of some succulents, of course.
Finally we got a chance to see some penguins, cautiously returning to their borrows. One was situated exactly under stairs of a wooden path that runs around the island. It was really amazing to see how small the penguins are. But witnessing how high they can jump and what steep walls they can climb was even more jaw dropping!
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