Friday, January 10, 2014

The big orchid

I met a long time no see friend yesterday who said I haven't changed at all. She meant me having a child and all. I don't feel any different either. Most of the time I can't believe Hanna is my daughter.
I also spoke to another friend about getting old, but remaining young at heart. I will probably be stuck in my early twenties.
A scary prospect, when you still want to enjoy life actively, but the body just wouldn't keep up with you.

1 comment:

Akvilina said...

Mano daug jaunesnė puseserė turi tokią teoriją, kad visi mes nustojam augti savo galvoj ir širdy tam tikrais metais ir protelis jau nebesensta. Paskui metai eina tolyn, o tu vis jautiesi kaip 27, ir viskas. Man jau irgi buvo tas lūžis. Sustojau didelio nesubrendimo metuose :)