Monday, September 12, 2016

Traveling in Estonia with friends

 Yes, we caught the rainbow in the end of the road.  There was no pot of gold waiting for us, but instead we got very nice weather to travel around Estonia.
Funny enough there were excavators digging at the end of the rainbow. They were the ones who found the gold, I am sure.
 My dear friends came visiting from Australia. We drove this little piece of art called Mini in style. This baby really makes people smile and react positively. Especially if three tall persons are crammed inside.

 I met these creatures in one place, called Taevaskoja.
The caterpillar is going to become a beautiful Deilephila elpenor moth some day. It was trying to scare us off by inflating it's back and showing us two fake eyes.It would have beautifully velvety if it weren't wet.
 I have never seen Anguis fragilis or slow worm in the wild. Small creature, but so powerful and smooth. Just gorgeous!
 Another day we visited small towns located along the edge of the lake Piepsi. We were gonna visit the samovar collection, but headed for a fishing museum instead.
 One warm and sunny evening was spent near Sänna Manor. There was a part of the model of the solar system. The Sun and the closest planets were close by. But the others had to be searched in 5 km radius. I can not recall how exactly that thing is called, but apparently there is one in every possible place on Earth.

 One day was spent in the town of Tartu. We were lucky to watch an Iranian comedy drama "Halal Love (and Sex)" on a screen set up in the main square one night.
We didn't find where to sit, but standing 1,5 hours was miraculously easy.
 A cup of coffee and a pavlova with sea buckthorn.
 In a cave in Helme koopad. I wish it was still possible to go all the way of the couple hundred meters. The big openings were bricked for our safety probably. Or else somebody might thinks it's a nice place to live. Just need a few light bulbs, maybe a chandelier in that corner, a monstera plant here, a Persian carpet... Ah, sorry, got carried away.
 We started our trip in Parnu. A visit to the near by bog is mandatory!
I am not sure, but this could be Nardus stricta. I would never ever mow it if it were growing in my yard!
 I borrowed Luka's infamous pigeon mask to feel a bit more at home in the woods. Though my outfit was more suitable for the Savannah.
Did you know that you should dress in light clothes if you want to spot any ticks crawling up your leg?
 Be prepared for countless moss photos! Above, I think it's Calocera viscosa. Like tiny castles of slime.
 A little path leading to a stream.
 We stopped in town Voru and had lunch. Later we spotted a really cool graffiti by Estonian artist Navi Trolla.

I am not sure what to write about this sculpture, depicting family life (Voru). This is just how the life sometimes is, isn't it?
 Another day we went south to find the gigantic gramophones in the woods.
I couldn't really hear any amplified nature sounds, but it was sure nice to just sit there and relax.
And now, massive mossiness! 

 Three structures in the middle of nowhere. Magical!

 If it weren't for the crawling carpet, I would like to have a nap in there.
 The dove got curious why nobody is helping themselves!
 The forest was beautiful. We also managed to find some chanterelle mushrooms for dinner.

 Luka is either very tired or picking up something. Or just posing in some odd way, who knows...
Ah, another beautiful creature. One of the three Estonian lizards. The slow warm was introduced to you earlier in this post.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love your pictures of nature. I LOVE moss, mushrooms, etc, and I have been wanting to go to the Estonian forest for so long, especially now to find mushrooms, but we don't have a car so I walk along the river sometimes past the creepy fishermen who stare. Hah! My favorite picture is of the path to the stream, it looks like there is horsetail all around it and I would love to see that again. It's that plant that looks like a fossilized fern and comes apart in segments - I haven't seen it since I was in the US. I also love your picture of the slime castles. I haven't even seen moss like that. Time to go on a trip I think.