Monday, April 2, 2012

Grandparent's garden

My grand father is a creative man. He has a very strong opinion about lot's of things. He hates sweets. Even carrots don't have his sympathy-too sweet.
Well, I think everybody has something to say about their grand parents. 
Long story short, these sculptures are made by him.
They are sun-dried clay characters. A witch and a girl with a basket of mushrooms (everybody says she looks like me, haha).
Big plastic sheets protect them during winters. But still, traces of erosion can be spotted. My grandpa repaints them every spring. A bit different colors each time. If I remember correctly, the sculptures were smoother earlier.
One gets surprised while wandering in the tidy garden. There are all kinds of clay mushrooms hiding there and here.
There's also a ceramic stork, brought by me from Sweden. But it's standing on an elevated nest, made by my grandpa.

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