Monday, January 9, 2012

Cinnamon and chocolate and sweet sugar

As You have probably noticed, my interest in plants took a sudden turn. 
Most of my desert plants are dormant (at least I hope so). Almost no watering, no movement, nothing. But many orchids bloom right now. It's not easy to say no when you see some in a shop. I like small species. Or (funny enough) bigger plants, but with rather small flowers. 

 People on the orchid forum say it's an Oncidium Sharry Baby. It fills my home with odor of chocolate and cinnamon... 
I start my morning with smelling it. 

This is another "baby". Probably an Oncidium Sweet Sugar.
I can't smell anything on this one.
Oncidium has these funny flowers, that look like dancing ladies. Can you see them?
The spring is approaching and people will soon start ordering plants on internet. I wonder if I'll get infected with that one.

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