Saturday, July 2, 2011

Moths and spiderwebs

 This one reminds me of a bulldog or a griffon.

 These two are unremarkable, when spotted not on a surface they are meant to blend with. If it was a birch or something, I would have not noticed them. You have to show yourself if You want to be on camera.

Spider business...
This moth made my jaw drop like 1 meter. It's an 
Elephant Hawk-moth (Deilephila elpenor)(Mažasis sfinksas-in Lithuanian. Just to remember). It was mighty hungry or thirsty I think. Cause as soon as I let it sit on my hand, it started drinking something with it's proboscis. Some salt probably.

 This one had a mantle with a fox fur lining... I couldn't tell if it was sweating-couldn't see the face...
White ermine moth - Spilosoma lubricipeda (A really funny name in Lithuanian-Taškuotoji meškutė-Small dotted bear!).

 A. Swarchenegger ...


Ieva said...

Wow, tikrai ispudinga kolekcija! Per kiek laiko ir KAAAAIIIIPPP Tu juos sugavai/radai/nufotografavai? Naktiniu drugiu sunku rasti paprastai. Pamenu, kai pries du metus universiteto praktikoj bandem ju ieskoti ir gaudyti i savo kolekcijas, bet nekazka pavyko tesurasti per pora naktu, tik paprastesnius ir gausiau skraidancius:)

GinCherry said...

Kaip man patinka tas pukelis ant naktiniu drugiu, kuris atrodo kaip kailis :)